Frequently Asked Questions

What is Typo Dojo?

Typo Dojo is a free, personalized typing training tool that adapts to your mistakes. It analyzes your typing patterns and creates targeted practice sessions to help improve your speed and accuracy.

How does the personalization work?

Typo Dojo tracks your errors at multiple levels (individual characters, character pairs, trigrams, and quadgrams). It then selects practice texts that contain more of the patterns you struggle with, helping you focus on your weak points.

What do the statistics mean?

WPM (Words Per Minute): Measures your typing speed. One word is standardized as just under 5 keystrokes.
Accuracy: The percentage of characters typed correctly.
Most common typos: Shows characters and patterns where you make the most mistakes.

Keyboard Shortcuts

> - Skip to next passage


The cursor isn't where I'm typing

This is by design. The cursor is automatically kept at the end of your input to maintain proper typing flow.

I want to reset the error / tracking statistics

Try clicking the reset statistics button (🗑️) in the top right to start fresh.

I want to change the error behaviour

Try clicking the settings button (⚙️) in the top right.


Typo Dojo stores your typing statistics locally in your browser. This data is used to personalize your practice sessions and is not shared with third parties.